Friday, March 13, 2015

Practicing What You Preach

I've been physically active my whole life. Since I was 15 years old, I've been a weight lifter, and have played soccer and tennis my whole life. I ran track in college and as an adult, I continued running and added biking, mountain and road, to the mix. My motivation has always been my health.

I look at it this way: We are all given only one body and might as well take the best of care of it. Always, I want to be the healthiest my body can be.

As a physical education teacher, I preach what I practice which not many people get to say. I love that it's my job to motivate kids and people to want to be healthy. At the end of my PE classes, I use yoga sometimes when the kids are high strung to help them calm down, stretch out, and just take a moment for themselves during their day. When I show up for their class, the kids look at me as their break and release from having to do class work. I'm glad that I can provide that for them and that I"m at least trying to instill healthy practices that they might continue over their lifetimes.

In college, I was first introduced to yoga in a gym class which I thought was pretty much a waste of my time. Having always been interested in yoga,  I was curious about hot yoga and tried Revolution Hot Yoga last summer. In that first class, I thought I might die from the heat, but before long, I was acclimated to it. It's amazing what your body can do in a short time if you just try.

After each yoga class, I feel relaxed all over, and my mind is de-stressed. I even think I can stand up taller because my muscles have elongated back to where they should be.

As a full time working mother of a toddler with a husband who travels weekly, I'm often in a hurry to get to class. One time as I was running out of the door, I grabbed my yoga towel from the dryer (because who really has time to fold laundry these days....ever!?) and when I got to class I threw my towel on my mat - only to see not one but two pairs of underwear clinging to the towel. Embarrassing! Hopefully no one noticed. ;)

This is Jennifer Dreyer's yoga story.

Go to the RHY website

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