Friday, April 24, 2015

A Yoga Class Can Be A Challenge Or A Treat

In 2006, I was first introduced to yoga by a co-worker who invited me to a Bikram’s class in Greensboro. I had never practiced yoga of any kind before. I was a bit put off by the heat because I really don't like to sweat, and the appearance of the other students made me uneasy because I don't have that “I practice yoga” look. However, I liked the experience of doing the actual yoga and continued going for a while until work and travel took priority.

My opinion changed when I came to Revolution Hot Yoga (RHY) where I felt a sense of acceptance and comfort from the moment I entered the studio. Yoga has since become a way of life as a means for me to connect with my “better” self. 

My yoga life is still in its infancy and there is so much to experience, I don't see an end in sight. Usually, I like setting goals and having definite deadlines, and I never would have imagined that I'd enjoy something with such infinite possibilities. For now, my yoga life has an enjoyable “long way to go.”

Surprisingly, I like the warmth of the room and find that I can do so much more in the increased climate, but I still don't like sweating. It makes me smile when I see my face all sweaty during class because it is so out of character for me.

Taking a yoga class can either be a challenge or a treat. The challenge may be getting my heels to the floor in Down Dog while the treat may be escaping from a long workweek. The joy is that I get to choose depending on what I need and how I feel that day. 

Yoga has given me a newfound confidence in my physical body. Over the years, gaining weight left me feeling depressed about my external appearance, yet I still felt gorgeous inside (what a struggle!) When I was first instructed to “Greet yourself in the mirror” during a restorative yoga class, I was actually pleased with the strong women staring back at me. Yoga is helping me to see beyond my exterior and remove the limits that I once placed on my physical being.

Yoga helps me realize just how strong I am because I've never had to work so hard to hold in a fart as I do when in wind removing pose. I'm proud of myself each time I succeed! :)

I feel like I belong at RHY and connected to the instructors, other students, and studio. I like that the instructors call me by name and acknowledge my progress. I enjoy practicing in a judgement free atmosphere with supportive classmates and instructors. 

It is my ABSOLUTE pleasure to be a part of the work-study team, and I truly am blessed to be a part of RHY.

This is Vivian Grice's yoga story.

Go to RHY website

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