Thursday, March 26, 2015

Hot Yoga Leads To Healthy, Not Hurt

My first experience with yoga was a very basic restorative type practice while working as a college basketball coach in Poughkeepsie, NY at Marist College. With a ruptured disc in my lower back and the physical nature of my job, I was searching for anything that could help. The yoga practice did help my back feel better, improved my body alignment, and lowered my stress level.  

Three years ago here in Greensboro, I tried hot yoga for the first time. My first class, after about 30 minutes, I felt like I couldn't stay in the room a second longer which felt like the combination of claustrophobia and holding your breath under water for as long as you can. But I did, I couldn't quit my first time.But I did because I didn't want to quit the first time I tried it. Occasionally, I still have those moments when I literally physically and mentally feel like I can't stay in this room for another minute, but now, I push through them because I have a sense that those moments make me stronger and absolutely make me feel better afterwards and over the next couple days. 

My sleep after a practicing is always calm and without restlessness. I'm not sure that I would sleep that well if it wasn't for the freak-out-can't-stay-in- the-room-a-second-longer moments.

I find that hot yoga has the same beneficial qualities as basic yoga did, but at a higher level making me stronger while increasing my endurance. For me, the challenge of the practice is why I like it so much. In the past, with basketball, mountain biking, or even swimming, I would push myself to the point of injury. Because of my past injuries and the fear of new ones, I needed an activity that forced control and patience while making me feel like I was really working myself. 

When I push myself to make strides in my hot yoga practice, I am healthier for it not hurt. I'm confident that I'll be able to strive to be healthier and stronger for the rest of my life with hot yoga. I am a college strength and conditioning coach at UNCG now and work with the Men's Basketball team as well as both golf teams. Fitness is an important part of my life. 

I came to Revolution after running into someone with which I practiced at the first studio. He told me I had to try out Revolution Hot Yoga. When I saw that Rebecca (Jordan-Turner) was one of the teachers, it was an easy choice. After taking a class with her, I was sold. 

This is Chris Parson's yoga story.

Go to RHY website.

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